Named after Katharine Hepburn, I watched her movies growing up, and fell in love with her style, demeanour and the way she and other actresses of her time portrayed such strong women. From there, I fell in love with fashion from the 30s to the early 60s. That love has evolved to include today’s trends, and is nurtured by avidly watching TV shows, such as In Fashion, Project Runway, Say Yes to the Dress and ANTM. Though I am more interested in the classic cuts with a modern twist (and things you can wear for many seasons), I tend to go towards eclectic pieces as well.
In 2009, I did a journalism internship at the Cannes Film Festival, saw a few glitterati from a distance (including Angelina Jolie and Penelope Cruz, to name a few) and even walked the same red carpet they did (though not at the same time)! My all time favourite was the cast and crew of Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (which included George Lucas and Steven Spielberg). Harrison Ford was as distinguished as ever and still had that Han Solo swagger, even though he did walk by the media line very fast!
In journalism, I have always tried to push myself and see where it can take me. From a day on a cow farm during one of my first internships, to being the editor of four quarterly medical journals in Montreal for the past two years, it’s been a whirlwind of learning and new experiences.
I love photography and I’m thinking about taking some lessons to fine tune my technique, or lack thereof. My other hobbies include reading, watching movies and TV (bordering on obsession, really), and getting back into writing. With so many stories in my head, the real job will be to sit down and actually figure out where to start.
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Aleyah Solomon