By FAJO’s editorial team
Photography by Kareen Mallon
On June 4, FAJO hosted the first event in its Fashion, Business & Beyond (FBB) series.
This seminar-style evening was geared towards helping fashion entrepreneurs, start-up owners and young professionals with one to seven years of fashion and beauty industry experience. It focused on various aspects of start-ups, ranging from pitching buyers to successful social media techniques.
FAJO‘s editor-in-chief Hannah Yakobi and VAWK‘s creative director Sunny Fong both made in-depth presentations to the audience, answered numerous questions and chatted with guests afterwards to answer their queries directly. The MC for evening was FAJO‘s artistic director Marcus Kan. Due to the extensive number of questions from the audience, the event was extended by 1.5 hours than originally planned.
A wide variety of delicious Italian hors d’oeuvres were served throughout the night by Elite Event Services.
FBB attracted a diverse crowd, ranging from fashion designers and public relations specialists, to photographers and stylists.
Due to the evening’s success, the next event in this series is planned for fall 2013.
At #FajoFBB

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