FGI Toronto: speed networking event

July 11, 2012

By Hannah Yakobi

Photography by Kareen Mallon

Every year, the Toronto chapter of Fashion Group International (FGI) hosts a special speed networking event for its members.

The most recent one was held in early June at Hazelton Lanes’ newly renovated Oval Square. It brought together a diversity of individuals from the fashion industry, including designers, fashion consultants, retail experts, publicists, fashion professors and students. There were about 50 guests in attendance.

The format of the event was very interactive. Guests were first mingling, while enjoying wine and various hors d’oeuvres. They later sat on long benches and had the opportunity to chat with a person across from them for three minutes, before rotating onto the next seat and repeating the process with another guest. Each participant had a large stack of their business cards in front of them and was able to talk with over a dozen of others.

This is the third year that the event has been put together by FGI’s executive team. FGI is a global, non-profit organization that consists of executives, designers and entrepreneurs in more than 30 chapters around the world. The Toronto chapter provides a high-profile forum to promote the business of fashion, beauty and design.

At the event

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