In the beginning we were inseparable: you held my secrets, lit up the darkness and I knew how to press all your buttons. Then, one afternoon, I felt you slipping away. It started slowly, then all of a sudden you were out of reach.
Next thing I heard was a crack. I thought it was my heart, but my friends tell me it was your screen.
Most of us have experienced the sad moment of breaking our phone, so why not start the new year with a new, trendy one in your hand?
In anticipation of Valentine’s Day, HTC would like to offer our readers an HTC One A9 smartphone (valued at CAD$650)!

- An edge-to-edge, 5″ full, high-definition, 1080p and energy-efficient screen. You get 40% more colour than a normal LCD screen for brilliant graphics and gaming—even in direct sunlight.
- Unleash your inner photographer with the HTC One A9. Take blur-free photos with Optical Image Stabilization and laser-assisted focusing technology. Save more image details for unsurpassed editing and creative control with RAW capture in Pro mode.
- Speed up your videos up to 12 times for a dramatic effect with Hyperlapse.
- Breathe new life into your music. Built-in DAC converts 16-bit audio to 24-bit high-resolution sound for richness and depth that you have never heard from a smartphone. The HTC One A9 features HTC BoomSound™, Dolby Audio™ Surround and an all-new enhanced high-output amplifier.

1) In the comments section below, tell us your saddest (but true!) broken screen story.
2) Follow FAJO and HTC on Twitter.
3) Look out for FAJO’s Tweets related to this contest and re-tweet them.
Each comment, follow and re-tweet will count as one entry! So the more times you enter, the higher your chances of winning!
This contest is open to our readers across Canada. It will close at 11:59 p.m. EST on Friday, Jan.29, 2016.
Good luck!
I haven’t had a broken screen story.. and im 33. crazy eh? i was sad when my sisters toddler dropped her phone though.. she had to get the screen repaired.
My 3 year old son had grabbed my tablet and I didn’t know about it. He was in his car seat in the car and he dropped it down the side near the door. I opened the door and my tablet dropped on the concrete and the screen smashed. I just about cried!
Oh man, this just happened recently. I was in the parking lot at the mall, fumbling for my cell phone in my pocket and BAM! It falls face down on the ice and shatters. I was literally in TEARS after this – my most heartbreaking phone moment!
Well, I have been lucky… my old phone was dropped on it 1 year birthday, I got a small chip out of the glass, but it didn’t impact the usage of it in anyway…. my new phone went directly in an case, and not an issue with it.
i had just got a new phone and i was at a show and grabbed my phone from my purse and noticed there was a long line across the screen. i figured it might have been a light scratch. i looked at the phone intensely and noticed that the screen had cracked from the home button right across. i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me so i went to an area with more light and to my horror the screen had in fact cracked. so i had to shell out $200 to get the phone replaced.
I only had one #BrokenScreenBrokenHeart experience. When I was grabbing my backpack and slinging it to my shoulder I did not realize that the pocket were I kept my phone was unzipped and it went flying and smashed into pieces.
I’ve dropped my phone many times and so far it’s ok, mind you it’s an old phone with a smaller screen. I’m ready for an upgrade and will make sure not to drop the new phone.
I was in Europe and fell off my bike and another bike ran over my phone screen and it broke…no phone for the whole 2 weeks I was there:))
I cracked my whole phone screen on the cement while texting at the parking lot
I didn’t like the cases on offer when I got my new phone so I didn’t use one. that was going great until I dropped it of course.
I am over 40 and just learning to drive. When I first got my G1 I was so excited getting out of the car that I dropped my phone and crack…I was still excited about learning to drive but not so happy about the phone.
I haven’t personally had a cracked screen yet – but my friends have broken their phones dropping it at the bar
haven`t had a broken screen I am very careful with it not to drop it
My husband had just purchased his iPhone and being the wise man that he is, he did not purchase a screen protector. He went to fill up the car with gas and started playing with his new phone. All of a sudden, the phone slipped from his hand and fell face down. The screen shattered all over the concrete floor!
As my phone was falling, I tried to catch it with my foot, but ended up kicking it away, screen broke :(
never had a broken screen but once my phone developed an issue with the volume rocker, it sometimes didnt work/got stuck. annoying when trying to watch videos/music.
let my son play a game he lost got mad and threw my phone screen cracked
When I got my son his first phone and he came home within that first week with a broken screen.
My phone fell off the couch and cracked terribly but if I won I would replace my husband’s phone which I put in the washing machine. There was no returning from that and I will never hear the end of it :( whoops!
My phone slipped out of my pocket while peeing and landing face down on the tile floor and shattered. Sad day.
After I replaced my shattered phone my new one was stolen a week later. New HTC please!
I have never broke my screen even though I did drop it once on a sidewalk but obviously the case I had totally protected it.
Honestly, (knock on wood) I have never broke my screen before. This phone looks great!! Fingers crossed, thanks!
I was at a high school basketball game and watching it with with my niece and I set my phone down on the benches and it got knocked off fell through the small space that was between the benches. Way goes the phone to the floor and had to crawl to get it. I got a shock when I picked it up and the screen was totally smashed. Nothing like working with a broken screen.
I have never broken the screen on my phone, but my son through my ipad once and shattered the screen.
Love the style of this phone and the amazing camera! I could put this device to good use!!!
My tragic story of a broken screen:
I had just bought my new phone. It was shiny and bright, and all I wanted to do was play with it every chance I got. That evening my wife and I had planned on going out for some dancing, but when we got to the venue it was closed for a private party!
Excited about my new purchase, I decided we would have our own private party in the park. Queuing up my very best swing playlist I cranked the volume and, exposing the speakers, set the phone face down on the nearest flat surface – a brick wall.
Now in hindsight, if my phone’s speakers were positioned away from the back of the phone (like the HTC One A9) this never would have been an issue, but as we danced in a well choreographed routine of spins, flips, and kicks, my wife lost her balance and reached out for the nearest solid object – a brick wall.
I don’t blame my wife for what happened next, but the scratching sound of gorilla glass on brick still haunts my dreams. It was like nails on the chalk-board of my soul, leaving deep gouges that screen protectors could only mask, but never truly heal.
There lay my phone, less than 4 hours old, a bleeding LCD, still belting out the tunes like the band on the Titanic. It must have known it’s gig was up, but still it limped along for another 3 weeks before I broke down and bought a new one – and immediately installed a screen protector.
It’s so sad but I do not have a broken screen story to share. Even with little ones dropping it, I’ve been lucky to escape that phone fate!
After repeatedly yelling at my son for not taking care of his phone and for not using a phone case, I accidentally drop my phone from the couch onto the carpeted floor (only one foot drop). Nothing should have happened right? Wrong, it fell in such a way that the exposed edge hit the metal leg of the coffee table and the whole thing shattered. That’s karma!!
Not my phone, but my brother’s. This past Christmas, I wanted to look up something on the Internet, so he threw his phone to me while I was on the couch. It bounced off the couch and crashed to the floor. Oh no, no pictures on Christmas Day. Oh well next year. Luckily only cost $100 to fix.
Don’t have an exciting story just a sad one. Coaching my son’s soccer team 3 months ago. Received a call from home just before taking the field so in my haste get my team out on the field, I quickly put the phone in my back pocket. Forgot all about it when getting in the car after the game and when I got home and pulled the phone out of my pocket the screen was shattered.
i’ve never broke my screen, but my dad dropped his last week – he doesn’t even know what happened – the screen just cracked.
Day of my best friends wedding we were waiting to go to the church and the car was LATE I dropped my cell right on the pavement :( Booo cracked but still working.
I’m quite careful with my phone however, there was one time that I dropped my phone and ended in tragedy!
I was traveling in Japan and we were on our way to our prepaid $200 per person tour and kabuki show. We had saved so much money to come to Japan and were very excited for the chance to finally go there and see some traditional sites and customs. On the way to the tour, we stopped by Enoshima in the morning to see the sunrise. I insisted we went down on the rocks to get a beautiful view and feel the ocean.
As soon as I placed my bags on the rock, a wave came up and dragged it into the sea. I quickly leapt for it and as I did my phone came flying out of my pocket onto the rocks and slid into the ocean. Luckily that part wasnt so deep so I could grab it, but not only was it completely submerged in the ocean, the whole front screen was shattered. I couldnt even get the touch screen to work. The worst part of it all was our tickets for the tour were mobile so we couldnt take the tour that day :( we did get a 75% refund but it was still such a terrible day. Needless to say, I never go near the ocean anymore with my phone nearby!
No word of a lie, both of my daughters’ screens smashed on the same day!! Right before Christmas!! My story is just as sad as I have an old BlackBerry and my kids have better phones than I do!!
The first time I wore my new sling purse, my phone fell to the ground when I slung it over my head. Eek! No cracked screen. Absolutely pristine. But the digitizer below was toast. I lost the use of the 3_6_9 area of my screen. Essentially useless, unless I only wanted to answer calls.
No broken screen as I have pretty well always had a flip phone. Please bring me into the smartphone era.
I just took my phone out of my pocket, my hand knocked on my friend’s arm and it flew out of my hand and cracked :(
No word of a lie – this happened:
It was a beautiful summer day, we sat out on the balcony enjoying the afternoon sun. You rested gently on my lap and I read the paper. I felt you start to move, but I figured you were just uncomfortable. Then, the unthinkable – you slid from my lap and down to the cement floor of the balcony. I lunged but it was too late.
Oh, surely that couldn’t be too bad… just a 2 foot drop.
But your journey wasn’t finished yet. Your bounce sent you perilously close to the edge of the balcony, and you slipped through the crack between the concrete and the glass. Surely this was the end.
I jumped up and looked over the edge, expecting to see you careening the 7 stories to your ultimate end, but as luck would have it you hit the railing of the balcony below and bounced… IN! Maybe you could survive a 10 foot drop on to a metal railing!
My hopes were raised just long enough to be DASHED TO PIECES as you bounded off the down-stairs neighbor’s barbecue and off their balcony, down… down… down…
I knew it was all over. I ran to the elevator, sprinted outside to find you, a shattered husk of your former self. I carried you, gingerly, upstairs, knowing I would never hear your sweet custom ringtone again.
BUT THEN! An hour later, a voice from beyond the grave – your alarm was blaring! A death wail that I was unable to silence. The shattered glass of your screen preventing me from comforting your cries. In the end I was forced to smother you under a pillow until you finally gave up and moved on. Your battery, like your screen, was dead.
It’s amazing how a crack in your phone can just drive you crazy! Not a fun day! I thought I was always careful, not so much!????
I have to take my battery out and charge it extrnally, that’s how badly I need a new phone so no matter how long it takes to charge I’m not contactable, sigh
Pulled my phone out of my purse & slipped out of my hand. Dropped face down on concrete. The concrete won. :(
I had my phone plugged into the front of my PC tower. My headset cable somehow got intertwined with it and when I went to pick up my headset, it pulled my phone off the desk and onto the floor, cracking the screen :(
I was walking out of my class, heading to go home, I pulled out my phone to start texting and the super strong winds that day literally blew my cell right out of my hands and fell onto the sidewalk. I was thankfully that the broken screen wasn’t major.
2monthd I had my HTC I dropped it and shattered the screen and couldn’t use it again and couldn’t afford another. But my son let me use his ????????
I have yet to have a broken screen story – happy yet sad ‘cos I’m not trending :(
Broke my first cell in 1995 (yes I am old). When I brought it it to be fixed, the temporary replacement one was one of those gigantic white phones from the 80’s! I was horrified and of course didn’t take it anywhere. Plus how would I? No way to fit it in a purse!
When my ipad screen broke while I was on vacation – it had allllllll my books on it!!!
I dropped my old Iphone in the toilet so not only did I have a broken screen, I also had water damage. Panicked and through the broken phone in a huge bag of rice and ruined all the rice too.
I had my friend knock my old phone out of my hand as we were leaving The Brunswick House in Toronto, it smashed so badly Apple couldn’t even repair it and I had to get a new one.
My sister stepped on my sweater lying on top of my phone.
Thankfully I don’t have a tragic device story ( knock on wood!)
My sad story happened pretty recently (early December!!). My sony phone fell off my bed, and landed on a tshirt. It cracked. A tiny tiny crack. The touchscreen wouldn’t work.
Less than 10 minutes after phone cracked, the guy I was OBSESSED with texted me. I was waiting 2 weeks for him to text! I was NOT going to text first. I ended up DMing him on instagram… :s
dropped my GIRLFRIEND’s phone on valentine’s day… :(. She didn’t dump me though :)
We had a horrible experience with a move. The sale of our house closed, but the purchase of our new house fell thru the day before. Apparently too many leans against the property.All of a sudden, we were homeless. Trying to deal with the situation, I had my phone on me at all times. We had scrambled to find a rental with immediate occupancy. I was wearing a hoodie and slipped the phone into the front pouch to use the bathroom. The toilet was missing the seat, so it was back to basics with a crouch down. My horrifying moment came as I turned around to flush. All of a sudden the phone slipped out of my pocket, the screen hit the side of the toilet and fell into the water. I watched it all in slow motion, frozen in time. Unable to move until the last plunge. No rice in the world could have saved that baby.
my son grabbed my phone and accidentally dropped it and it cracked :( sad but true
My phones seem to be invulnerable most times. They survive all sorts of stuff, but then there’s one tiny thing where it slips out of my hand and falls a foot or two, and tragedy strikes.
I was taking a photo when someone bump into me, knocking down the phone on the cement.
Years ago I had one of the first smart phones on the market, it was called the hip top. I was out for lunch with my brother at a really nice buffet restaurant. The floors in the buffet section were tile. I’m not entirely sure how it happened, but somehow my phone flew out of my hands and skidded across the floor. I chased it down and picked it up. Surprisingly there were chips anywhere. And in fact the screen was intact. However, as I walked back to the table and sat down I was surprised by what I saw. Quite literally the matrix of my screen slowly slid to the bottom. We watched all of those little pixels start at the top and slowly slide down the screen. I had released the pixels and it was dead.
My husband playfully grabbed st my phone . It dropped and cracked. Not so funny
It feel out of my pocket will using the word as room and shattered :(
My youngest aka Thing2 has cracked the screen on his ipod and his brother’s aka Thing1 ipod, and 4 cell phone screens…yes I said 4!!! It makes me VERY VERY sad since the phone are expensive to replace. Evil teen truly applies to Thing2 So we are at 6 cracked screens and counting. Grrrr
I took my phone case off for the first time ever. I walked into the store and as I was texting and got nudged. The phone went flying and shattered just like my heart.
i used to have a phone under a contract for 3 years and i cracked the screen under 1 year. i dropped it from my pants while doing a little jog in the office. learned my lesson and got a case.
My sister was visiting and my phone was left out on the counter on top of the handtowel in the en-suite and I forgot to pick it up. She then went to the washroom and about to wipe her hands on the towel but did not noticed the phone that is lying on top of the towel, as she grabbed the towel my phone dropped on the ceramic floor and the screen just shattered. So that’s the end of my iPhone. So bad but this things happen.
Luckily I didn’t come across any broken screen yet. I’m thankful for my phone case:)
A close friend of mine has the worst luck with broken phones. She’s had two phones break while in Otterbox cases, and I didn’t even know that was possible!
I just saved for a whole year to get my daughter the iPhone she wanted so badly. Christmas morning in all her excitement, she dropped it taking it out of the box and the screen cracked before we even got to turn it on. It was a very sad, sad day!
I was a bit tipsy and was trying to play the new album by 1d “four” and also pair it with my bluetooth speaker when somehow I flung my phone across the kitchen and the screen shattered. :( it still works though and I still am using it.